Green Key


Green Key

"In 2019, we as Dormio Resort Maastricht achieved Green Key Gold certification. In 2020, 2021 & 2022, this certificate was renewed. This shows that we make socially responsible and healthy choices in our operations. We do this out of sincere conviction, because we believe that the right choices lead to a better living environment for us all. For now, and for the future. And actually, it doesn't take much more effort. It's a matter of actively and consciously doing your job."

Rob Veeger, resort manager Dormio Resort Maastricht


What does the Green Key certificate say?

Green Key is the largest sustainability label for the tourist and recreational industry in the Netherlands. More than 700 Dutch companies have already obtained this quality mark - from hotels and restaurants to zoos and bungalow parks. New locations are still being added. The green key ensures that the company considers sustainability important, and they apply sustainability everywhere in the company. Economical use of energy and water, environmentally friendly cleaning, recycling and well-considered choices around organic food and products with a quality mark. Companies with a Green Key certificate do much more in the area of ​​sustainability than required by law. They meet at least the standards of the international Green Key organization. Through personal guidance, a special environment on this website, courses and especially contact with other Green Key companies, "going green" becomes more fun and interesting. Working together on a green world inspires and stimulates. Green Key is the international hallmark for sustainable companies in the recreation and leisure industry and business market. Companies with a Green Key label do everything to save the environment, without sacrificing their guests for comfort and quality. They go a step further than normal laws and regulations require. Want to know more? Check the website